Saturday, 28 January 2012

Who knows and likes to eat Dabai? But some people do not know eating Dabai.

DABAI is a native fruit of Sarawak harvested by local natives and sold it in the native market. It can only be found in SIBU. The external colour of DABAI is black while the fresh of the fruit is yellow in colour. The seed in the centre is yellow and diamond in shape as shown in the picture on the left. You can only eat the seed if you can crack open the seed.

 Fruit Dabai in eating my own way, a mixture of sugar and soy sauce. There are some people eat Dabai with salt. Dabai fruit is my favorite food. Although the price Dabai expensive, but I do not miss to buy it.

Dabai fruit can also be fried with rice called Fried Rice Dabai. My mother always fried rice Dabai at home, I like cooking my mother.

In addition, soft Dabai if salted. For the fruit is too ripe or Dabai poor Dabai be salted and comfortably served.  So for those who can not eat Dabai, try, try to eat the fruit of this Dabai. Because it will give satisfaction to all of you.

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